I mostly look at Power, HR (heart rate), Cadence, and Duration. I look at the laps created and analyze if the power was held steady and in the prescribed zone. Did the athlete meet the prescribed power target, or did they over/underperform? Did their HR stay in the corresponding power zone i.e. zone 3 power and zone 3 heart rate? Did they meet the prescribed interval duration? Did they ride the prescribed cadence (if applicable, say performing SFRs)? These are just a few questions I ask while analyzing the TrainingPeaks workout file.

Finding balance
I realized you can get a hell of a lot out of a 6-8hr training week and I have so much respect for my athletes who week after week dedicate whatever time they have to spare to train.

All in all, I think a positive that has come out of this is developing closer coach-athlete relationships. With racing, it’s easier to gauge how your athletes are adapting and progressing with the training prescribed, but now with that off the table, that coach-athlete communication is more important than ever.

This is also a time I struggled most to deal with. I felt it extremely difficult to back off from the ‘most important thing in the world’- training. My family is located over 3 continents. South Africa, Europe and the US.
Today’s post is all about zone discipline. Staying in the prescibed zone by your coach to achieve the stimulus required for that session is not always easy, especially if you prefer group rides over riding alone.

Winter Training Tip
If you are on social media then you have most definitely seen posts and articles about strength training during winter periods. This can be on or off (gym) the bike exercises. I personally enjoy doing both throughout the season.